It’s a big step to come to college and move into your own place. Moving on campus makes that transition a lot easier. Here you’ll find future friends waiting, meal options for everyone and a host of services and amenities to make life less hectic. You will also be provided the support that has proven to improve personal and academic success through our FYRE program.

A group of students sitting in the Tamarack 12th floor lounge talking with each other.

New Student Registration Presentation

Housing & Residential Life staff will be present at the New Student Registration (NSR) days. We will be providing housing application assistance, answering questions and giving a presentation to friends, families and guests while the students are busy registering for their classes. Since there is a lot of information to cover in our presentation, look at a copy of our presentation.

Residence Halls

Our residential community is composed of seven residence halls housing over 1,200 students and single-parent families. Located in the heart of the BSU campus, they are a short walk to academic buildings and connected to other campus buildings by a system of underground walkways and tunnels.

First-year students will live in a double or double-as-single room in either Oak or Tamarack Hall. Upper-division students may live in Birch, Linden, or Oak where room options include doubles, double-as-singles, singles, or suites. All room options are limited in number, and waiting lists are maintained for options that may not be immediately available.

Services and Amenities

Living on campus is about so much more than a bed to sleep in. You’ll have access to a living room, game room, TV lounge, kitchen, wireless internet, academic resources, a computer lab and plenty more services.


A huge part of living on campus is the food. Dining services has many options like the buffet-style cafeteria located in Walnut Hall affectionately known as Wally’s, the Lakeside Food Court in the Hobson Memorial Union and the convenience stores. Read more about dining options and meal plans.

Single-Parent & Family Apartments

Cedar Apartments features two- and three-bedroom apartments for family and single-parent students. There is lots for kids to do here, including a playroom downstairs and playground equipment in the backyard.

ADA Compliant Rooms

For students with accessibility needs, ADA-compliant rooms are located in Birch and Linden. Contact the Accessibility Services office for assistance.

Learning Communities

Learn about the FYRE, special interest and Living Learning Communities of BSU residence halls on the Community Living page.