Students applying to On-Campus Teacher Education programs must meet the following admission criteria:

Applications will be reviewed and evaluated using the Teacher Education Admission Rubric (Campus Version).

Students must be accepted to BSU before applying for admission to the Teacher Education program: Apply to BSU here

  1. Cumulative GPA 2.50
    Students must earn a C- or above in all major coursework. Additionally, students must maintain a 2.50 cumulative GPA to remain in the program.
  2. Complete 30 Semester Credits
    The Office of Teacher Education recommends completion of all/most Core Curriculum requirements prior to starting Education (ED) coursework.
  3. Recommendation Form for Teacher Education (Campus Version) – OR – Letter of Recommendation
    • The completed recommendation may be uploaded with your application packet or the recommender may send it directly to the Advising Coordinator:
  4. Completion of a college-level composition course with a grade of B- or higher – OR – Address the following four writing prompts
    • All responses should: be organized and clearly respond to the provided prompt.
    • Candidates are encouraged to write approximately one page, double-spaced, per prompt. Candidates are also encouraged to meet with BSU’s Writing Resource Center for writing assistance.
    • Responses will be reviewed and evaluated using the Teacher Education Admission Rubric (Campus Version)
    • Writing Prompts:
      • Teamwork – Describe a time when you needed to work as part of a team. What was your role on the team and what actions did you take to contribute to the team’s goals? How did this experience influence your desire to be a teacher?
      • Time Management – Describe a time when you had to work on multiple projects at once. How did you manage your time? How do you feel this experience will influence your teaching?
      • Leadership – Describe a leadership opportunity you had. What did you learn about yourself from that experience? How do you see this relating to being a teacher?
      • Conflict Resolution – Describe a time when you were faced with a difficult interpersonal situation. How did you resolve the conflict? How did this experience influence your desire to be a teacher?
  5. Complete the ONLINE Application for Admission to Teacher Education. Applications may be submitted at any time. However, priority will be given to students who submit applications by the following dates:
  • Fall Admission – February 15th
  • Spring Admission – October 1st

Applications are reviewed after the “Priority Deadlines” listed above and then approximately every 2 weeks after. Students will be notified by email of their acceptance status.

Important Program Information

  1. Students will not be allowed to register for Education (ED) or Special Education (SPED) courses until they have been formally admitted to the Teacher Education program.
  2. Field experiences and student teaching require school district criminal background checks. If you think you may have an issue, you may want to initiate a background check yourself before you seek admission. Applicants with any prior conviction(s) may be unable to complete a program of study in Education.
  3. Your disposition for the role of professional educator will be assessed throughout the program. This includes attributes such as attendance, reliability, and communication skills.

Transfer Student Information

  1. BSU may consider a transfer of courses from other institutions if a syllabus is provided and the course is found to meet 100% of the required state standards assigned to the BSU course being substituted. If field experience is a requirement of the BSU course, the external course must contain an equivalent field experience and documentation must be provided for review.
  2. Please Note: All coursework required for licensure must be completed for credit (no auditing). This includes ED and major/content coursework.

Each term the Office of Teacher Education will admit the top 64 students into the campus-based programs based on the above criteria.


Dr. Aspen Easterling, Assistant Director for Student Success

Book An Appointment

Contact Undergraduate Admissions to apply to Bemidji State University or to arrange a visit to campus.

Updated 01/22/2024