As the primary professionals in the teaching/learning process of the university, faculty place continuous emphasis on the development and improvement of their professional competence and productivity. Professional growth occurs in areas such as effective teaching, scholarly or creative activity and active involvement in the university community and professional organizations. Faculty scholarship and current knowledge of the discipline, together with a desire to improve pedagogy, are instrumental to good teaching.
The purpose of professional development is to provide for continuing improvement in teaching, in other student interactions, in the quality of scholarly activity and other service to the university and community. The purpose of evaluation is to provide faculty with information which will contribute to their professional development. The evaluation processes are intended to be supportive of a faculty member’s desire for continuing professional growth and academic excellence. This process contributes to various personnel activities and supports the interest of each faculty member to achieve continuing professional growth and to pursue the highest possible level of academic excellence.
Criteria Overview
View Article 22 of the IFO contract.
- Criterion 1 — Demonstrated ability to teach effectively and/or perform effectively in other current assignments
- Criterion 2 — Scholarly or creative achievement or research
- Criterion 3 — Evidence of continuing preparation and study
- Criterion 4 — Contributions to student growth and development.
- Criterion 5 — Service to the university and community
Criterion 1 — Teaching Effectiveness
Resources are provided below to aid in your evidence and practice of Criterion 1.
Syllabus Requirements & Creation
A syllabus serves as your classroom guide and outlines to your students what will be expected of them throughout your class. Generally, it will include course and university policies, required texts, a schedule of assignments and due dates.
- Syllabus Template
- Syllabus Example
- Syllabus Statements for an Inclusive Classroom
- Email to advisees for Spring 2022
- Minn State Remote Proctoring Guide
- Remote Proctoring Guide for Students Spring 2023
- Syllabus Statement for Student Medical and Mental Health
- Bloom’s Taxonomy: The University of Arkansas has compiled an excellent guide for using Bloom’s to write effective learning outcomes
Student Course Evaluations
- Best Practices for Conducting Student Evaluations
- Reconsidering Student Evaluation of Teaching Workshop PowerPoint
- Mid Semester survey in D2L
- Instructions on how to add faculty evaluations in D2L
Classroom Strategies for Success
These resources and recommendations can help you improve your students’ success in the classroom.
- Teaching Strategies: Minnesota State Mankato has created a Teaching Strategies series to provide a deeper look at a variety of teaching strategies and their implications for classroom use. Each strategy is also supported by a lesson plan template to guide you through classroom implementation.
- 10 Strategies Series: The Minnesota State Mankato 10 Strategies for Engaging Learners series provides resources and best practices for a variety of teaching techniques and strategies.
- First Day/Week Activities: Check out these resources to get you started on your first day!
- Faculty Suggestions Stemming from Student Survey Results, November 2020
Course Observations
Confidential classroom observation consultations are available.
Pedagogy Workshops
The CPD sponsors pedagogy workshops through the Academic Year. Presentations will be provided below following the event. These may be provided in the form of a Zoom recording, PowerPoint, video, etc. All upcoming workshops will be on our CPD calendar and in weekly TLC newsletters.
Undergraduate Teaching Associate Program
The Undergraduate Teaching Associate Program allows gifted undergraduate juniors and seniors to experience the challenges and rewards of college teaching by working closely with faculty as they prepare and teach their classes. Faculty nominate students to work with them on a semester-by-semester basis.
Criterion 2 — Scholarly or Creative Achievement/Research
Resources are provided below to aid in your evidence and practice of Criterion 2.
Internal BSU Grants
There are three individual internal BSU grants available to faculty with awards up to $5,000, dependent upon the specific grant.
- Professional Improvement Grant (PIG)
- President’s Faculty Mini Grant (PFMG)
- New Faculty Scholarship and Innovation Fund (NFSIF)
The BSU grant writer serves as the grant specialist for the university. They work closely with faculty and staff to seek out funding for various projects and programs, conduct prospecting, write narratives and create budgets, edit application documents and assist in the submission process. Always feel free to reach out to them for funding assistance with your research and program ideas.
The A.C. Clark Library can support your research by providing up-to-date coverage of literature in your field, as well as individual research support and assistance.
The CPD Library Catalog is now online and searchable at
- Username: bsu.cpd
- Password: beavers010
Campus Events & Lectures
The BSU Honors Program puts out a call each semester for Honors Council Lectures as part of an ongoing series. For more information, please contact
Participate in campus events (Black History Month, Native November, Women’s History Month, etc.)
Criterion 3 — Continuing Preparation and Study
Resources are provided below to aid in your evidence and practice of Criterion 3.
Start-Up Week
- BSU Today!: An internal professional development opportunity hosted by the Teaching & Learning Center each August during fall start-up week.
- Teaching & Learning Showcase: An internal professional development opportunity hosted by the Teaching & Learning Center each January during spring start-up week.
Book Club
The CPD has hosted book clubs in the past. Upcoming book clubs will be announced via fac-staff emails. If you’re interested in leading a book club, please contact us! Send an email to if you’d like to lead or have a book suggestion.
Chair’s Training
The IFO has yearly training for faculty interested in moving into department chair positions. These will be advertised via fac-staff emails.
The New Faculty Mentoring Program is a reciprocal, supportive and semiformal relationship between colleagues usually involving a more senior faculty person and faculty person new to the role or setting.
Criterion 4 — Student Growth and Development
Resources are provided below to aid in your evidence and practice of Criterion 4.
- UTAP: Learn more about UTAP
- Academic Advising: Learn more about how to aid in academic advising.
- A.C. Clark Library: The library can help your students become more independent researchers and information literate citizens.
- Writing Resource Center: Encourage your students to visit the WRC!
- Advising Success Center: The Advising Success Center (ASC) is here to help students thrive every step of the way. We’ll be here for them from the day they arrive on campus to the day they graduate.
Criterion 5 — Service
Community Engagement is part of BSU’s Strategic Plan and BSU is invested in cultivating these enriching and valuable relationships in the greater Bemidji community through volunteering and the BSU Community Engagement Council.
Resources are provided below to aid in your evidence and practice of Criterion 5.
BSU Community Engagement
- Work with CPD
- Join BSUFA Committees
- Support faculty events and grants — See Campus Calendar
- Join the Community Engagement Council
- Take advantage of volunteer opportunities
- Join the New Faculty Mentor Program: Mentorship is a reciprocal, supportive and semiformal relationship between colleagues usually involving a more senior faculty person and faculty person new to the role or setting.
- Diversity, when embraced and respected, enriches lives and experiences. Embracing diversity and learning ways to respect others is an ongoing process.