Strategic Plan Banner

Strategic Planning Committee

  • Dr. Faith Hensrud, President
  • Dr. Tony Peffer, Provost/Vice President for Academic & Student Affairs
  • Karen Snorek, Vice President for Finance and Administration
  • Michelle Frenzel, Executive Director for Enrollment Management
  • Travis Greene, Dean of Students
  • Marla Patrias, Executive Director, BSU Foundation
  • TBD, Executive Director, American Indian Resource Center
  • Dr. Allen Bedford, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs


  • Dr. Debbie Guelda — College of Arts & Sciences
  • Dr. Tim Goodwin — College of Health Science & Human Ecology
  • Dr. Bill Graves — College of Business
  • Amber Fryklund — Athletics


Brodie Karger — Information Technology Services


Sandra Beck — Facilities Services Supervisor


Kelli Steggall — TRiO/SSS/Upward Bound


Thomas Skime — Theatre Technician


  • Peter Gable
  • Galen Hlavsa

Strategic Planning Steering Committee

  • Dr. Faith Hensrud, President
  • Dr. Tony Peffer, Provost/Vice President for Academic & Student Affairs
  • Karen Snorek, Vice President for Administration and Finance
  • Michelle Frenzel, Executive Director for Enrollment Management
  • Dr. Allen Bedford, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Dr. Debbie Guelda — College of Arts & Sciences