Telling Our Story Goal 1

Generate a comprehensive dynamic marketing plan including shared identity, brand guidelines, and the launch of a promotional campaign.

NTC Program-Focused Campaigns

Provide support to faculty for program-specific marketing and launch program-focused digital marketing.

  • Status: Complete/Ongoing. Because of NTC’s size, a program-specific approach is being utilized.
  • Next Steps: Ongoing development of program-specific promotional materials and digital marketing.

BSU Brand Audit

Complete a comprehensive audit of the BSU brand and present a framework for future campaigns.

  • Status: Complete. Completed in Spring 2024, the brand audit identified the following five pillars as a framework for future campaigns: Embracing, Academically Adventurous, Dynamic, Future-Facing, and Resolute.
  • Next Steps: Use these pillars as a framework for future digital campaigns and the development of new websites for BSU and NTC.

BSU & NTC Digital Marketing Campaigns

Develop aggressive digital recruitment and yield marketing campaigns to promote BSU and NTC. At BSU, supplement with monthly marketing initiatives for the nine new academic schools.

  • Status: Complete and In-Process. Recruitment campaigns focused on the North Star Promise and yield campaigns were launched in Spring 2024. New campaigns drawing on the five pillars noted above are under development for Fall 2024.
  • Next Steps: Expand core BSU campaigns to specifically address each of the nine academic schools.

BSU & NTC Websites

Launch new websites for BSU and NTC building on brand pillars and enhancing the user experience with streamlined navigation.

  • Status: In-Process. Philanthropic funding has been secured to finance the new websites.
  • Next Steps: An RFP is under development with the goal of beginning website development early in Fall 2024.

Telling Our Story Goal 2

Generate an internal communication strategy to enhance shared governance and an external communication strategy that bolsters visibility for BSU and NTC.

BSU & NTC Internal Communications

Generate new internal communication structures.

  • Status: Not Started. BSU has created a new structure for monthly supervisor meetings and both campuses continue to utilize regular campus forums; however, structures to augment traditionally utilized FacStaff emails have not yet been addressed.
  • Next Steps: Conduct a review of best practices in the industry along with potential communication tools for testing and consideration.

BSU & NTC External Communications

Establish annual plans for external communications using local newspapers, radio, and television (regional external communication) as well as print, electronic, and video correspondence for regular engagement with alumni and supporters (national communication).

  • Status: In-Process. The Office of Communication and Marketing has developed a framework for implementation during the 2024-25 school year.
  • Next Steps: Implement external communication plan.