Student Success Goal 1

Advance high-quality in-person and online instruction and educational programs to prepare students for valuable careers, economic and social mobility, and contributions to the public good.

Bemidji State University Goal Indicators

Design and implement a new college and department/school organizational structure during the 2023-2024 school year that reduces overhead expenses, facilitates multidisciplinary collaboration, and showcases academic offerings.

  • Status: Complete. BSU successfully reorganized into two colleges with the following nine schools:
    • Business
    • Education
    • Humanities
    • Technology, Art, and Design
    • Mathematics, Computing, and Physical Sciences
    • Music
    • Nursing, Health, and Sport Sciences
    • Social and Community Sciences
    • Sustainability and Life Sciences
  • Next Steps: During the 2024-2025 school year, BSU has proposed that faculty focus on the advancement of multimodal instruction, simplified curricula, and accelerated delivery to increase enrollment capacity while enhancing preparation for future career skills.

Northwest Technical College Goal Indicators

Consolidate the current six “core abilities” to three and map the new framework to all academic programs.

  • Status: Complete. NTC’s newly adopted institutional learning outcomes (or core abilities) are:
    • (a) communication — effectively communicate ideas through written, spoken, or visual formats appropriate for a target audience, social or professional context;
    • (b) critical thinking — apply critical thinking, mathematical reasoning, and technology skills to implement solutions; and
    • (c) citizenship — demonstrate citizenship, equity, inclusion, and environmental sustainability through ethical and responsible behavior across personal, academic professional, social and society contexts.
  • Next Steps: During the 2024-2025 school year, NTC faculty and administrators will begin to assess student learning using the three new core abilities.

Student Success Goal 2

Utilize strategic enrollment management planning and guided learning pathways to enhance college and university access to students throughout Northern Minnesota and to increase student enrollment.

BSU New In-Person Students Enrollment

Benchmark applications to statewide demographics for first-generation college students, students from low-income families, and students of color; analyze disaggregated application, admit, and matriculant data; and enact strategies to address equity gaps.

  • Status: Complete. Data analysis conducted in 2023-24 will inform policy and practice changes in 2024-25.
  • Next Steps: Enact the proposed policy and practice changes.

BSU New Transfer and Online Student Enrollment

Using the same benchmarks as for in-person students, compare disaggregated application, admit, and matriculant data; enact strategies to address any equity gaps.

  • Status: Complete. Data analysis conducted in 2023-24 will inform policy and practice changes in 2024-25.
  • Next Steps: Enact the proposed policy and practice changes.

BSU First-Year Student Retention

Disaggregated assessments for (a) orientation/welcome, (b) mid-term alerts, (c) first-year FYE course signature assignments (BSU only), (d) retention to the second semester, and (e) retention to the second year.

  • Status: Complete and In-Process. Beginning in August 2024, all students will be assigned core advisors in addition to their faculty advisors; in partnership with the new senior student affairs officer, enrollment management will enact first-year pathway experiences and assessments by Fall 2025.
  • Next Steps: Monitor and assess core advising and first-year experience implementation in 2024-25; adjust as needed for future years.

NTC Strategic Enrollment Management Plan

Implement the strategic enrollment management plan developed in collaboration with AACRAO.

  • Status: Complete. Since implementing this strategic enrollment management plan, NTC increased its full-year equivalency enrollment by 100 from 2022-23 to 2023-24 and by another 35 from 2023-24 to 2024-25 (as of August 1, 2024).
  • Next Steps: Continue implementation of the strategic enrollment management plan components.