Northern Distinction Goal 1

Implement the joint BSU-NTC master academic plan (MAP) map leading to new program business plan guidelines, enhanced program review processes, formal training and educational partnerships, and focused, community-engaged learning and scholarship.

BSU & NTC MAP Map Database

Finish the design of the MAP Map database, populate the database with regional community needs, workforce data, generate new program business plan guidelines, and update program review protocols to utilize MAP Map data.

  • Status: In-Process. Funding secured in Spring 2024 will pay for personnel time needed to create the MAP Map database as well as adding connections to related transfer initiatives.
  • Next Steps: Create and populate the MAP Map database; implement the University Design Initiative to enhance transfer.

BSU & NTC Partnerships

Metrics for program reviews, programs developed, and new partnerships enacted will be developed in Fall 2024.

  • Status: In-Process. While metrics are forthcoming, BSU and NTC launched multiple new programs and partnerships in 2023-24.
  • Next Steps: Finalize ongoing metrics.

BSU & NTC Pathways

Generate formally articulated pathways from every NTC degree to a BSU four-year degree.

  • Status: In-Process.
  • Next Steps: This indicator is being expanded to include pathways originating in Bemidji High School Career Academies.

Northern Distinction Goal 2

Enhance BSU and NTC “College Town” engagement, interactions, and vibrancy with the Bemidji community and Northern Minnesota communities.

BSU & NTC Internships

Expand funded internship opportunities for BSU and NTC students with Bemidji businesses, organizations, and industry.

  • Status: Complete/Ongoing. Career Services (now Career Advancement), which supports BSU and NTC students, was moved to the BSU Foundation to enhance connections with alumni as well as local businesses and industry.
  • Next Steps: Internships offered through Career Advancement to be expanded, drawing on alumni and foundation funding.

BSU & NTC Fundraising

Increase philanthropic support from the Bemidji community for BSU and NTC.

  • Status: Complete/Ongoing. Between 2019-20 and 2022-23, BSU raised an average of $1.54 million per year from within a 25-mile radius of campus. BSU’s target for 2024-25 is $1.75 million. Between 2019-20 and 2022-23, NTC raised an average of $42,750. NTC’s target for 2024-25 is $150,000.
  • Next Steps: The BSU Alumni and Foundation Board and the NTC Foundation will set annual fundraising targets and stretch targets for local fundraising. BSU will geofence these data using a 25-mile radius from Bemidji; NTC will use total dollars raised as nearly all financial support comes from within a 25 mile radius.