Nisidotaading Goal 1

Through the implementation of institutional, employee, and student Nisidotaading initiatives, employees and students will gain knowledge and understanding of American Indian culture, contributions, and ways of knowing.

BSU Indigenous Course Requirement

Implement the indigenous course requirement in Fall 2024.

  • Status: Complete.
  • Next Steps: Assess student mastery of core learning outcomes.

BSU & NTC Employee Professional Development

Establish targets for the proportion of employees at BSU and at NTC to complete a Nisidotaading professional development course.

  • Status: Complete. All BSU and NTC employees will complete at least one Nisidotaading professional development experience before the end of the 2025-26 school year.
  • Next Steps: Expand current in-person Nisidotaading training experiences for delivery through the Minnesota State Employee Learning Management (ELM) system.

BSU & NTC Nisidotaading Institute Deliverables

Achieve deliverables from the institute proposal related to (a) network hub development, (b) financial capacity building for the institute, and (c) financial support for American Indian students.

  • Status: In-Process. BSU successfully expanded its American Indian Resource Center (AIRC) to include a location at NTC, which will serve as a foundation for expanding the network hub.
  • Next Steps: Nisidotaading training experiences will be made available through ELM in 2024-25, which will enable the network hub to expand and will serve as a basis for funding proposals.

Nisidotaading Goal 2

Attain measured growth in campus climate to enhance mutually beneficial engagement, sense of belonging, and attainment of learning outcomes

BSU & NTC Campus Climate

Analyze climate survey results to prioritize items/themes, generate campus-based action strategies, and establish metrics for ongoing performance monitoring.

  • Status: Complete and In-Process. Faculty and staff teams successfully analyzed campus climate survey data during the 2023-24 school year and made recommendations for practice to be implemented beginning during the 2024-25 school year.
  • Next Steps: The next administration of the Campus Climate survey will be in Spring 2026.