By the end of the 2024-25 school year, BSU and NTC will establish baselines and targets for each of the following BEAVERS institutional metrics.

  • Budget Performance – metrics to include annual net revenue, CFI scores, instructional study index scores, and facility index scores
  • Enrollment Growth – metrics to include disaggregated new and transfer student enrollment
  • Alignment of BSU and NTC – metrics to include annual collaborative projects
  • Value Data – metrics to include Third Way Price-to-Earnings Premium (PEP) index scores and Postsecondary Value Commission Earnings to Threshold Values
  • Equity Attainment – metrics to include disaggregated compositional diversity data and disaggregated first-year retention rates (disaggregated data to follow Equity 2030 categories; race, first-generation status, and low-income status)
  • Raising Funds – metrics to include total dollars raised and the total number of donors
  • Sustainability – metrics to include energy consumption and solid waste diversion rate