Strategic Planning Update — March 22 and April 6 Meetings

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Dear BSU colleagues,
To assist us as we begin work on a new strategic plan for Bemidji State University, we completed a series of seven community listening sessions over the past seven weeks. Participants in these sessions made it clear they are engaged and committed to the work of our institution.
We now are moving into a very active phase of strategic planning. To introduce the process, we will be holding a series of campus meetings with key leadership groups this Wednesday, March 22. Invitations have been sent to the following groups:

  • Executive Leadership Team
  • Dean’s Council
  • BSUFA Executive Committee
  • Bargaining Unit presidents/representatives
  • Student Senate

We also have scheduled a Town Hall meeting for the morning of April 6. Please save the date for this meeting where we will invite all members of our campus community to engage in the planning process. More details will be coming soon on this event. 
I look forward to your input as we establish the priorities and strategies that will allow Bemidji State to continue serving our students and our region.
Faith C. Hensrud
Dr. Faith C. Hensrud
Bemidji State University and Northwest Technical College