Professional Improvement Funds for Administrative and Service Faculty

The purpose of the Professional Improvement Funds (PIF) for the Administrative and Service Faculty (MSUAASF) shall be to enhance the professional competence and improve the work performance of each recipient.

Fund Distribution

Funds will be awarded in an amount up to a maximum of $2,250.

If the funds requested by qualified applicants exceed the funds available, the PIF Committee may reduce the maximum award in $50 increments down to a minimum of $450 per person to provide funds for greater participation.

The distribution periods and percent of funds are as follows. However, for the 2022-2023 year, these deadlines are more flexible.

Time Frame Funds Avail.
1st Period: May 15 June 15 July 1-Oct. 31 25% of funds
2nd Period: Sept. 15 Oct. 15 Nov. 1-Feb. 28 37.5% of funds
3rd Period: Jan. 15 Feb. 15 March 1-June 30 37.5% of funds

PIF awards will follow the policy and procedures as applied to all other travel expenses (in-state and out-state). Advance monies may be requested and expense forms must be submitted to the Accounting Office upon return.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Members who received and used a PIF grant in one fiscal year will not be eligible to receive PIF monies in the following fiscal year.
  • New hires are not eligible to apply for PIF monies until they have completed 12 calendar months on staff at BSU.
  • All persons receiving a grant of any amount will be obligated to return to Bemidji State University for one semester following their grant period. If they choose not to return to Bemidji State University, the grant must be repaid in full. Those in their final semester of employment at Bemidji State University before retirement are ineligible for a grant.
  • MSUAASF members are eligible to apply for these funds regardless of the source of funding.

Purpose of Funds

Grants will be awarded for the following purposes:

  1. Formal course work (credit or non-credit courses) to improve professional competence for an assigned position, where appropriate course work may be applied toward the completion of a degree. Such grants will be in addition to salary.
  2. Tuition and registration fees for workshops, conferences or short courses, related travel, instructional materials and subsistence. In those cases where the recipient of the grant will be absent from assigned duties, satisfactory arrangements for the performance of the duties shall be made with the immediate supervisor.
  3. Observation for the improvement of work performance; travel to other institutions for short periods to explore a process or equipment that might improve the performance of the person requesting a grant. Such grants will be in addition to salary.
  4. On-campus study related to improvement of professional competence. This will generally be a partial reduction of workload.

Application Procedure

  1. Download and complete the PIF Application form.
  2. Submit the application and an Absence and Travel Request form to the PIF Committee Chair.
    • Travel advance funds may also be requested on the appropriate form.
    • If your registration fee, lodging and/or meals exceed the maximum amount allowed by the State, then you will need to submit a Request for Approval to Incur Special Expenses, along with your Absence and Travel Request form.
  3. The PIF Committee will review the application and make a recommendation to the Executive Director of Enrollment Management.
  4. A final decision will be communicated by the Executive Director of Enrollment Management, who will sign all travel and reimbursement forms..
  5. Submit Employee Expense Report and receipts to the Executive Director of Enrollment Management, who will then forward them to the Accounting Office. Also submit a copy to the PIF Committee Chair, Jodie Knott.
  6. Each person receiving a grant must submit a written follow-up report to the person’s supervisor as well as the President’s designee, the Executive Director of Enrollment Management, within 30 days. The follow-up will be shared with the PIF Committee by the Executive Director of Enrollment Management.


Contact Information

PIF Fund Committee Chair
Robin Gullickson

BSU – Box 12
Deputy Hall Rm 101

Revised July 2024