Professional Development Funds for Administrative and Service Faculty

MSUAASF Professional Development Funds may be used to pay the cost of travel, housing, meals, registration and related expenses associated with participating in development activities which promote the goals and mission of an ASF member’s department, program or university, such as professional conferences, workshops, similar meetings, courses and other related professional development activities.

Purpose of Funds

Funds may be used to pay for:

  • professional memberships
  • fees for professional licensure required for the ASF member’s current position
  • books, journals, subscriptions and software

Books, journals, subscriptions or software that are purchased in electronic form must be stored on a state-owned device. The unit may carry over any portion of its allocation from the first to the second year of the biennium, and from one biennium to the next.

Application Procedures

These are the step by step instructions for using Professional Development Funds.

Travel Reimbursement Option

You pay ahead and get money back after the trip.

  1. Fill out the Travel Request Form — must be signed by you and your supervisor
  2. Send to the Financial Aid Office (Jodi Knott; Financial Aid Box #14, phone 4143) The form will be approved, signed and  attach the account number and make a copy
  3. The form will be sent to Travel and they will process the request
  4. Go on the trip and save the appropriate receipts.
  5. Fill out the Employee Expense Form (SEMA4)
    1. Check the top right box, “Final Expenses for this trip”
    2. Attach all receipts
    3. You and your supervisor sign the form
  6. Send the Employee Expense Form to the Financial Aid Office (Jodi Knott; Financial Aid Box #14, phone 4143) The form will be approved, signed and  attach the account number and make a copy
  7. The form and receipts will be sent to Travel and they will be process the request
  8. You will be reimbursed in a future paycheck

Short Term Advance

You receive an advance of the monies in a paycheck before the trip.

  1. Fill out the Travel Request Form and Travel Advance Form — must be signed by you and your supervisor
  2. Fill out the Employee Expense Form (SEMA4)
    1. Check the “Short Term Advance” box on the upper left.
    2. Attach paperwork that would show the conference information about pricing, etc.
  3. Send all forms to the Financial Aid Office (Jodi Knott; Financial Aid Box #14, phone 4143) The form will be approved, signed and  attach the account number and make a copy
  4. The forms will be sent to Travel and once the request is processed your next viable paycheck will have the amount requested.
  5. Go on your trip and save the appropriate receipts
  6. Fill out the Employee Expense Form
    1. Check the “Check if advance was issues for these expenses” and “Final Expenses for this trip”
    2. Attach all receipts
    3. You and your supervisor sign the form
  7. Send to the Financial Aid Office (Jodi Knott; Financial Aid Box #14, phone 4143) The form will be approved, signed and  attach the account number and make a copy
  8. The form and receipts is sent to Travel and they process the request
  9. Any differences will be settles within your next viable paycheck. When this goes through, transactions will show in Accounting on the Web and they will be deducted from your PDF

Books, Journals, Subscriptions or Software

You pay ahead and are reimbursed after purchase.

  1. Fill out the Employee Expense Form (SEMA4)
    1. Supplies are put in the “Other Expenses” area of the form
    2. Attach all receipts
    3. You and your supervisor sign the form
  2. Send to the Financial Aid Office (Jodi Knott; Financial Aid Box #14, phone 4143)
    1. The form will be approved, signed and  attach the account number and make a copy
    2. You will receive an email if there are any questions
  3. The form is sent to Travel and they process the request
  4. You will be reimbursed in a future paycheck. When this goes through, transactions will show in Accounting on the Web and they will be deducted from your PDF


Contact Information

PIF Fund Committee Chair
Robin Gullickson

BSU – Box 12
Deputy Hall Rm 101

Updated July 2024