Upcoming Tuition and Fees Due Dates
Tuition and Fees Deadlines — Summer 2025
Tuition and Fees Deadlines — Fall 2025
Tuition and Fees Payment
Bemidji State University assesses fees to all students to facilitate the operation of student support services and offices which are not funded by a student’s tuition. Student fees are listed individually in a student’s e-Services account, accessible via MyBSU.
Since the services funded by these fees are available to the general student body, they are mandatory for all students.
Tuition — which includes tuition differentials for certain programs — generally supports educational costs pertaining to academic learning and teaching, such as academic building maintenance, classroom facilities, course materials, teacher salaries, college staff, university administration and the library and its databases. There are some specialized fees that are assigned to specific programs and courses, however, which are not meant to cover all students. When these specialized fees apply to you, they will be reflected on your e-Services invoices as Personal Property Fee, depending on the type of charge approved for that course.
Whether you’re paying in full or need to set up a payment plan, these resources can help you navigate the tuition and fees payment process.
Payment Plan Options
Payment plans are available for all semesters.
- Nelnet Payment Plan General Information and Enrollment Deadlines
- Enroll through your e-Service account (Bills and Payments; Enroll in a Nelnet/FACTS Payment Plan)
PSEO Students
BSU will bill your high school or MDE directly for fees and tuition. You are responsible for any room/board charges, book purchases/charges for Non Required books, books not returned at the end of the semester, library fees or miscellaneous fees.
Senior Citizens
Senior Citizens are Minnesota residents that are age 62 or older.
Senior Citizens are charged a $20 per credit administrative fee plus minimal standard fees (as listed below) to attend “for credit” courses. If course is taken “for audit”, on a space available basis, there is no administrative fee per credit and most standard fees are not charged except for the health fee.
Course taken for credit will be charged:
- $20 administrative fee per credit
- Health Service fee per credit/band*
- State-Wide Student Government fee per credit/band*
- Technology fee per credit/band*
- Student Union fee per credit/band*
Course taken for Audit will be charged:
Health Service fee per credit/band*
Additional Materials or Personal Property Charges
Senior Citizens are also responsible for any additional materials or personal property charges for credit courses or audit courses.
For more information about Senior Citizen Charges and Fees, you may refer to the following online links:
- Minnesota State – Operating Instruction Senior Citizen Charges and Fees
- Minnesota State Board Policy 5.11 Tuition and Fees
- Microsoft Word – Senior Citizen Application.docx
Student Direct Deposit Questions
For any questions regarding your student direct deposit, please contact the Business Office at finance@bemidjistate.edu or call (218) 755-2448.
Additional Resources
- Student Fee Assessment Policy
- 2024-2025 Tuition & Fee Rates
- 2024-2025 Tuition Differential
- Student Fee Guide & FAQ
- MinnState Student Tuition and Fee Policy
- BSU Tuition and Fees Refund Policy
- Net Price Calculator
- Tuition Waiver- BSU Employee
- Registration Cancellation for Nonpayment of Tuition and Fees
- Information Release and Misc. Charge Form — Financial Release only
For more information, please contact Business Services at businessoffice@bemidjistate.edu or call at (218) 755-2183.