Bemidji State University officially welcomed more than 50 students into the Bemidji School of Nursing during its 2015 induction ceremony. Each incomi…
Full articleBemidji State University officially welcomed more than 50 students into the Bemidji School of Nursing during its 2015 induction ceremony. Each incomi…
Full articlePeterson Developers, LLC, shared this gallery of architectural drawings and floorplans for the student-centered apartments to be built as part of BS…
Full articleBemidji State's Department of Music shared some of the production sketches for the costumes being made for The Mikado.
Full articleA crowd of Bemidji State University faculty, staff and students estimated to be over 500 attended a Campus Summit on Alcohol and Student Safety in the…
Full articleMore than 350 people gathered Oct. 24 for BSU’s 2014 Homecoming Honors Gala in the Sanford Center ballroom. The event included recognition of Outsta…
Full articleMore than 100 students, staff and faculty of Bemidji State University and Northwest Technical College took time to tour and respond to a "Gallery Walk…
Full articleBemidji State University held its third annual Scholarship Appreciation Breakfast Saturday morning, Sept. 27, in the BSU Gymnasium. The university rec…
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