Understanding one’s connection to a broader community and teaching the value of what each individual can bring to that community can play an importa…
Full articleVisiting faculty participating in Bemidji State University’s Minnesota Northwoods Writers Conference will share from their work in a series of readi…
Full articleStudents in grades 6-12 with an interest in robotics can learn the basics of building and controlling our future robot overlords at Bemidji State Univ…
Full articleDr. Martin Tadlock, provost and vice president for academic affairs at Bemidji State University, announced that Dr. Colleen Greer has been named dean…
Full articleSustainable Tuesdays, a weekly presentation on topics related to environmental and sustainability issues presented by the Bemidji State University Sus…
Full articleBemidji State alum Breanne Allen has started journaling her summer adventures on a new blog. Breanne, who graduated this spring from BSU's design tech…
Full articleSustainable Tuesdays, a weekly presentation on topics related to environmental and sustainability issues presented by the Bemidji State University Sus…
Full articleMore than 150 incoming and returning Bemidji State University students are recieving $182,624 in scholarship funding to support their educations for t…
Full articleSpring and summer 2014: • Construction begins on the first two floors of Bensen Hall to create a new home for the Bemidji School of Nursing. The nur…
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