Bemidji State University is steadily fulfilling its vision of expanded partnerships with international institutions of higher education and increasing…
Full articleTia Ellies grew up in Balsam Township, population 500, just north of Grand Rapids, and attended mostly small, rural schools, including two years in a…
Full articleChristopher Boone hopes his studies at Bemidji State University will put him on a path to becoming an expert in how minority groups are perceived by t…
Full articleChelsea Borwege’s family physician in Faribault gave her some sage advice about becoming a doctor: “If you’re interested in medicine, and it’s…
Full articleRetired biology teachers Dr. Darby and Geri Nelson are the very models of how to align activism with avocation, combining good works with good fun.
Full articleBemidji State’s $14 million project to renovate Memorial Hall into a new home for its business and accounting programs is on track for completion by…
Full articleThe Imagine Tomorrow campaign is providing $660,000 to elevate Bemidji State University’s public service while strengthening the visual and performi…
Full articleAn anonymous donor is challenging Bemidji State University’s friends and alumni with a one-to-one match for all Lakeside Fund gifts made before June…
Full articleThe Imagine Tomorrow fundraising campaign, a historic first for Bemidji State University, heads into its fifth and final year this summer with a $35 m…
Full articleAs the more than 1,300 college graduates at BSU and Northwest Technical College crossed the stage on Friday to received their degrees, we’re sure mo…
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