Opened in August as the new home for the business administration and accounting programs and officially unveiled at Homecoming, Bemidji State Universi…
Full articleBemidji State University's Department of Music presents a Jan. 17 violin recital featuring the visiting Dr. Conor O'Brien and BSU faculty member Dr. E…
Full articleHigh-resolution versions of these photos are available by right clicking and selecting “Save Image As…” from the contextual menu. The cutlines a…
Full articleFaculty in Bemidji State University’s Department of Technology, Art and Design will be displaying their work in various media in the university’s…
Full articleAs we ponder the season of "good will toward men" many wish for a way to bring light and language to Indigenous knowledge and cultural differences. We…
Full articleShane Arndt saw an opportunity to build a career in a technical field that held strong personal appeal. After a few years as a police officer, Arndt c…
Full articleBecoming a teacher wasn’t the initial plan for Math and Science Academy science teacher Cheri Howe, but it eventually became the ideal plan. “I ha…
Full articleBemidji State University students had the chance to work with two visiting professors from the University of Houston in a performance workshop setting…
Full articleThe estate of former University of Wisconsin-Baraboo/Sauk County chemistry professor Jennifer Eddy has gifted $240,000 to the local campus. According…
Full articleJennifer Theisen, a programmer in Bemidji State University's programming, network and servers office spoke with KAXE radio about Girls Who Code, a pro…
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