Dr. George Anthony “Tony” Peffer, special assistant to the president at Castleton (Vt.) University, has been named provost and vice president for…
Full articleA high-resolution version of this photo is available by right clicking and selecting “Save Image As…” from the contextual menu. The cutline is…
Full articleMore than 1,000 college graduates have been invited to celebrate the beginning of the rest of their lives at Bemidji State University’s 98th Commenc…
Full articleConducted by Maestro Scott Guidry, the Bemidji State University Wind Ensemble, one of the premiere ensembles at BSU, gave an end of the semester conce…
Full articleBemidji State University and previous football coach Jeff Tesch have reached an agreement that provides for the resignation of Tesch effective May 31.
Full articleBemidji State University and previous BSU football coach Jeff Tesch on Monday, April 24, 2017, jointly issued the following statement at the conclusio…
Full articleBemidji State University’s School of Technology, Art and Design features eight speakers and a keynote address from fishing legend Ted Takasaki for i…
Full articleBemidji State University's Social Work Club traveled to St. Paul on April 2 for National Association of Social Workers Day at the Capitol, where they…
Full articleKids of all ages interested in exploring careers in the health care field, learning a new language, mastering their musical instrument, learning about…
Full articleThe Minnesota State colleges and universities system office today announced that Kierstin Hoven, director of campus recreation at Bemidji State Univer…
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