Online Project Management Degree Earns Top 10 Ranking by Forbes

Bemidji State University was named as having one of the best online project management undergraduate degrees in the United States for 2023 by Forbes Advisor.

Forbes Advisor scored 17 accredited, nonprofit colleges and universities offering online project management degree programs in the U.S. by using 16 data points in the categories of credibility, affordability, student outcomes, student experience and application process. The data was compiled from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data system, the National Center for Education Statistics, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and other public and private third-party data sources. The 10 best schools receiving a final curved score of 78% or higher were included in Forbes Advisor’s final ranking.

BSU’s online project management degree was selected for its low student-to-faculty ratio, high retention and graduation rates and for offering in-state tuition rates to all students. Emphasizing construction and facilities management skills, students with associate degrees in building trades are able to earn a bachelor’s degree in project management in approximately two years while continuing to work and care for their families.

BSU was joined by Saint Louis University in St. Louis, George Fox University in Newberg, Ore., Bellevue University in Bellevue, Neb., Minnesota State University Moorhead, Western Nevada College in Carson City, Nev., Davenport University in Grand Rapids, Mich., Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach, Fla., Charleston Southern University in Charleston, S.C. and Herzing University.

A complete explanation of program ranking methodology is available on Forbes Advisor’s website.


BSU Extended Learning 



BSU Project Management Program
Top Online Project Management Degree Programs