Camp attendees creating artwork.
Bemidji State University held the sixth annual Ojibwemowin Niibinishi Gabeshi Ojibwe Summer Camp, from July 13–19. This program is designed for high school students who have the desire to learn more about the first people of Minnesota.
Students participated in an intensive Ojibwe language program, created artwork, attended workshops and discussed the Ojibwe culture and communications. Bemidji State students served as camp counselors and chaperoned students to daily actives and facilitated evening programs.
- Angie Gora, summer program director; (218) 755-2851, agora@bemidjistate.edu
Bemidji State University, located amid the lakes and forests of northern Minnesota, occupies a wooded campus along the shore of Lake Bemidji. Enrolling more than 5,100 students, Bemidji State offers more than 80 undergraduate majors and eight graduate degrees encompassing arts, sciences and select professional programs. BSU is a member of the Minnesota State system of colleges and universities and has a faculty and staff of more than 550. The university’s Shared Fundamental Values include environmental stewardship, civic engagement and international and multicultural understanding. For more, visit bemidjistate.edu or find us at BemidjiState on most of your favorite social media networks.