Music Camp Jazz Band
More than 350 music students ranging from fifth grade to recently graduated high school seniors are attending MusiCamp on the Bemidji State University campus this week.
MusiCamp, which began in 1948 and is now one of the oldest music camps in the country, has been operated as an independent nonprofit organization since 2014. The camp draws participants from across Minnesota and neighboring states, with some international participants as well.
Historically a band-only camp, MusiCamp expanded to offer both band and choir camps in 2017. Campers can participate in both camps if they choose.
The week-long MusiCamp, which began with registration and pre-camp activities on July 21 and runs through July 27, includes individual instrumental instruction, chamber ensembles and large-group performances. Campers also participate in classes covering topics including music theory, electronic instruments, conducting and music technology. The week also features a band director’s workshop on Friday.
MusiCamp participants will conclude the week with a performance series scheduled for Friday and Saturday. All concerts are free and open to the public and will be held in Bemidji State’s Bangsberg Fine Arts Complex unless otherwise noted.
Friday, July 26
6 p.m. – Middle school small ensembles concert
6 p.m. – Middle school jazz bands concert
7:15 p.m. – High school small ensembles concert
7:15 p.m. – High school jazz band concert
Saturday, July 27
10 a.m. – Middle school concert band performance; Beaux Arts Ballroom, BSU campus
10 a.m. – High school choir concert
10 a.m. – Middle school choir/piano, high school choir/piano concert
11:15 a.m. – High school concert bands performance; Beaux Arts Ballroom, BSU campus
11:15 a.m. – Middle school choir concert
11:15 a.m. – Middle school choir/piano, high school choir/piano and piano only concert
- Jeff Sand, assistant camp director, info@bemidjimusicamp.org
- Bemidji State University Department of Music
- Bemidji MusiCamp Facebook Page
- Bemidji MusiCamp Website
Bemidji State University, located amid the lakes and forests of northern Minnesota, occupies a wooded campus along the shore of Lake Bemidji. Enrolling more than 5,100 students, Bemidji State offers more than 80 undergraduate majors and eight graduate degrees encompassing arts, sciences and select professional programs. BSU is a member of the Minnesota State system of colleges and universities and has a faculty and staff of more than 550. The university’s Shared Fundamental Values include environmental stewardship, civic engagement and international and multicultural understanding. For more, visit bemidjistate.edu or find us at BemidjiState on most of your favorite social media networks.