Three local legislators who played pivotal roles in helping Bemidji State University secure $22.512 million in state capital bonding funds to replace…
Full articleAn award-winning lineup of authors from around the nation will read from their work at evening presentations during Bemidji State University’s Minne…
Full articleBemidji State University reached a significant milestone in a years-long effort to replace the aging Hagg-Sauer Hall when Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton s…
Full articleBEMIDJI—Unlike the last legislative session, a bonding bill passed in the late hours includes funding for Bemidji projects, including a new building…
Full articleAt session's end, it appears that money for capital improvements at the state's college and university systems came through, but at less than half of…
Full articleThe Brainerd, Minn.,-based Mississippi Headwaters Board has shared a video feature on the 2017 BASS College Championships, hosted by Bemidji State Uni…
Full articleSocial workers, educators, counselors, community health providers and medical workers seeking to provide culturally responsive services to indigenous…
Full articleOver the past four years, BSU graduate and undergraduate students have worked with Dr. Brian Hiller, associate professor of biology, to band 1,500 pur…
Full articleEight Bemidji State University math education students, led by Dr. Todd Frauenholz, professor of mathematics, and Dr. Heidi Hansen, associate professo…
Full articleMark Morrissey and his staff at Bemidji State University's Outdoor Program Center installed the dock at the BSU Boathouse in Diamond Point Park as par…
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