Northern Student magazine staff participate in the Beaver Organizational Bash on Sept. 15 in the Beaux Arts Ballroom.
Student Hope Wall at her exhibit opening on Nov. 8 in the Talley Gallery.
Lisa Kittleson ’16 presents workforce research to the Neilson Foundation on May 12 at the Mayflower Building.
A standing-room crowd for a Nov. 1 discussion of the Dakota Access Pipeline and protest in the American Indian Resource Center.
President Emeritus Dr. Jim Bensen speaks at the Scholarship Appreciation Breakfast on Sept. 26.
tudents in a Wildlife Techniques course review firearm safety steps on Oct. 4 after instruction by the Minnesota DNR.
The BSU team competes in the Bemidji Dragon Boat Festival on Aug. 6.
A student shoots an informational video for Student Health and Counseling Services on Oct. 27.
Anna Goldtooth-Graves ’14 and Vincent Staple-Graves ’15 at the BSU Council of Indian Students Pow-Wow on Oct. 19 in the John Glas Fieldhouse.
Students on a panel for National Coming Out Day on Oct. 11 in Bridgeman Hall.
Associate Professor Blanca Rivera explains a Day of the Dead altar on Nov. 11 in Hobson Memorial Union.