If you make an unrestricted donation or pledge of cash or securities to Bemidji State University’s Imagine Tomorrow campaign by June 30, 2016, a matching gift will double your contribution and its impact. It also will apply to the first year of a multi-year gift.
Here is more information about how you can participate:
Cash: Cash gifts are an easy way to give. Gifts of any size make an immediate impact on the Imagine Tomorrow priority area of your choice.
Securities: Gifts of stocks, bonds, treasuries and mutual funds that have increased in value are a win-win opportunity for you under current tax laws. They provide an immediate benefit to the university and a current income tax savings for you.
Property: Property and real estate includes homes, cabins, commercial buildings, farmland and other property, such as works of art and other items of value.
Planned Gifts: These involve giving to the university in the future. Typical types of planned gifts would be a bequest, life income gift, charitable gift annuity, charitable remainder trust, life insurance or a gift of residence with a life interest. The Bemidji State University Legacy Society is a unique organization whose members have provided for Bemidji State University through a planned gift. Members receive special invitations and other benefits.
Volunteer: One of the most important gifts you can give to BSU is to tell others why the university is vital to you and the community. Attend campus events. Volunteer for committees and events that interest you. You make a difference!
Potential benefits of giving
- Make an immediate or future impact on Bemidji State.
- Help the department, college or area of your choice.
- Potentially increase the impact of your gift with a matching gift.
- Make a large gift with a small cash investment.
- Save on income tax.
- Reduce estate tax.
- Avoid capital gains tax.
- Generate lifetime income.
Contact the BSU Foundation at (218) 755-2762,
email to foundation@bemidjistate.edu
or visit www.bsuimaginetomorrow.org.