“Chair Vekich, trustees, Chancellor Rosenstone, I am very pleased to be here. I want to thank you, members of board of trustees, I am very humbled and honored by your support. I am grateful for Chancellor Rosenstone’s recommendation, and I will do my best to provide the leadership that these two institutions expect and deserve as we work together to create opportunities our students, now and in years to come.
I want to acknowledge my husband, Neil, who for 27 years has been a strong advocate and partner, and our children, Christina and Joshua, who made our job as parents a true pleasure. Thanks for being so terrific and for your belief in me.
As I have learned about Bemidji State University and Northwest Technical College over the past several months, I have been very impressed with the faculty of both institutions. It’s clear that your passion and commitment to your students is very high. I look forward to working with you to ensure that our students have an exceptional learning experience.
My commitment to student success comes directly from my early experience as a first-generation college student. I understand the challenges that our students face as they consider whether or not they belong at a particular college or university. I also understand first-hand the transformative role that higher education can play in the life of a student and a community.
I look forward with anticipation to moving into the Bemidji community to begin this very exciting journey. Thank you.”