High School Students Can Explore Medical Careers at June Scrubs Camp

Registration is now open for Bemidji State University’s annual Scrubs Camp, a program for high school students who wish to learn more about health care careers and educational pathways, particularly those in the greater Bemidji region.

Dates and Registration
The four-day camp will be held June 14-17 on the BSU campus. Registration for the camp is $375, which includes instructional costs, overnight accommodations, transportation to off-site facilities during the camp, all meals, scrubs and lifelong memories. Space is limited and students interested in attending Scrubs Camp are encouraged to register before June 10.

Camp Information
At the hands-on, dynamic and fast-paced Scrubs Camp, students will explore the Northwest Technical College dental lab and participate in a site visit at Sanford Health in Bemidji. In addition, campers will have many opportunities to network with faculty and health care professionals in the area.

Bemidji State University and Northwest Technical College students will serve as camp counselors, chaperoning participants to daily activities and facilitating evening programs.

Scholarship Information
Scrubs Camp is offering a limited number of full scholarships made possible by Sanford Health. Students interested in scholarships must provide a statement attached to the registration describing their interest. Scholarships will be available to campers who register before May 30 or until 20 scholarships have been awarded, whichever comes first.

Scholarship recipients must have a demonstrated financial need and first-time scholarship recipients receive priority over past recipients.



Bemidji State University, located in northern Minnesota’s lake district, occupies a wooded campus along the shore of Lake Bemidji. Enrolling nearly 5,000 students, Bemidji State offers more than 80 undergraduate majors and 11 graduate degrees encompassing arts, sciences and select professional programs. BSU is a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system and has a faculty and staff of more than 550. University signature themes include environmental stewardship, civic engagement and global and multi-cultural understanding.