Bucky with Yigal Bensadoun (‘96-98).
Sue Ann Peterson, Julie (Noga) Vollen ’89 and Deb Larson at the Oct. 3 Beaver Street Dance & Block Party downtown.
Alumni Leaders in the Classroom mass communications panelists Jane Berman ‘85 (left), Tom Delano ‘73, Dr. Michael C. Porter, APR ‘84, Roger Reierson ‘74 and Randy Syverson ‘96.
Football alums Jeremiah Dagel ‘02 (left), Lemarr Williams ‘09, Robert Kucher ‘10 and Brad Borkhuis ‘01 at the Oct. 3 tailgate in Diamond Point Park.
Kyle and Kathy Christianson and their daughter pose with Bucky.
Carl O. Thompson Concert on Oct. 4.
Bucky leads the charge against the University of Mary.
Homecoming King and Queen D.J. Mills and Leah Gnitka in the morning parade on Oct. 3.
State Sen. Tom Saxhaug and Randy Bowen ‘73.
Parade Grand Marshal Harold Shellum ‘41 with daughters Cindy Wight and Roberta Dohse.
Jeff Sands ’09 (left), Ashley (Bremseth) Sands, Anna (Smith) Benson ’11 and Eric Benson ’11 enjoy the Music Alumni Dinner on Oct. 3.
Football alumni celebrate their founding Homecoming victory lake plunge in 1995.
Bountiful activities and beautiful weather combined for a memorable weekend that kicked off Friday, Oct. 2, with the grand reopening of Memorial Hall. Grads and students talked shop at Alumni Leaders in the Classroom panels. The Honors Gala recognized distinguished alumni and celebrated generous donors. Saturday morning’s parade down Beltrami Avenue was led by 96-year-old grand marshal and football alum Harold Shellum ’41. Hundreds tailgated in Diamond Point Park before BSU’s football victory, capped by the team’s winning plunge into Lake Bemidji. Music and football reunions renewed friendships and helped swell a record crowd at the Beaver Block Party and Street Dance. Sunday’s Carl O. Thompson Memorial Concert ended everything on a high note.