Bemidji State University recognized 55 employees with a combined 970 years of service to the University during its sixth annual Length of Service Awards ceremony, May 2, in the Beaux Arts Ballroom on campus.
40 years
Randy Johnson, driver, central receiving; Pamela Papp, customer service specialist, Office of Financial Aid; Dennis Schultz, cabinet maker, Physical Plant.
35 years
Michael Hellmann, general maintenance worker, physical plant; Laureen Lawyer, accounting technician, business services.
30 years
Thomas Fauchald, professor of business administration; Darla Finnegan, office and administrative specialist, College of Health Sciences and Human Ecology; Joseph Kaiser, general maintenance worker, Physical Plant; Marilyn Lanners, accounting officer, payroll; Paul Lindseth, director, Office of Financial Aid; Sanjeev Phukan, professor of business administration; John Swartz, photographer, Office of Communications and Marketing; Patrick Welle, professor of economics.
25 years
David Benson, associate professor of professional education; Edwin Driscoll, general maintenance worker, Physical Plant; Joan Miller, director, School of Graduate Studies; Kathleen O’Brien, assistant director, Hobson Memorial Union; William Shaman, associate professor of library and library services; Rosalie Weaver, professor of English.
20 years
Sandra Beck, general maintenance worker, Physical Plant; Michael Herbert, professor of criminal justice; Mary Jo Hrenchir, associate professor of history; Sandra Kranz, professor of accounting; Kelly MaGaurn, plumber, Physical Plant; James Wizner, painter, Physical Plant.
15 years
Diane Backer, customer service specialist, academic affairs; Barbara Bridges, professor of professional education, Center for Extended Learning; Patrick Fredrickson, plant maintenance engineer, Physical Plant; Christel Kippenhan, professor of human performance, sport and health; Kenneth Traxler, professor of chemistry.
10 years
Stephen Berard, instructor, TRiO/Upward Bound; Valica Boudry, assistant professor of mass communication; Mary Brueske, customer service specialist, Center for Extended Learning; Seth Duncan, general maintenance worker, Physical Plant; Joann Fredrickson, professor of business administration; Cory Haack, driver, Physical Plant; Christine Harris, office and administrative specialist, Hagg-Sauer Hall; Richard Koch, professor of biology; Loralyn Kuechle, coordinator, First-Year Residential Experience, residential life; Sharon Russell, office and administrative specialist, College of Business, Technology and Communication; David Smith, associate professor of business administration; James Stone, assistant professor of human performance, sport and health, and head coach, women’s soccer; Mindy Taylor, athletic equipment manager, Department of Human Performance, Sport and Health; Derek Webb, professor of mathematics and computer science.
5 years
Lauree Bahr, technician for acquisitions and serials, library and library services; Alissa Carlson, campus security officer, Office of Public Safety; Darlene Cobenais, personnel officer, human resources; Michael Hamann, associate professor of biology; Brian Jambor, eLearning support, eLearning/Desire2Learn; Zachary Johnson, director (interim), Advising Success Center; Daryk Leonhardt, technical support analyst, Information Technology Services; Lynn Maltais, assistant professor of nursing; Ricky Richter, chief power plant engineer, Physical Plant; Jeffrey Ueland, associate professor of geography; Mary Ward, vice president (interim) of student development and enrollment.