Niganawenimaanaanig Indigenous Nursing Program Earns $2.2 Million Grant
In September 2021, Bemidji State’s Niganawenimaanaanig program for Indigenous nurses was awarded a second $2.2 million federal grant to continue its work to diversify the nation’s nursing workforce. Niganawenimaanaanig — an Ojibwe phrase that translates to “we take care of them” — is one of 32 initiatives funded by the Health and Human Services Nursing Workforce Diversity program in 2021.
Bemidji State Completes Multi-Year Tiny House Project
The university’s multi-year project to design and build a tiny house was formally finished in August 2021. The project started in Fall 2017 when School of Technology, Art and Design students developed design concepts in a Building Systems course. After surveying alumni to gather feedback on amenities, construction began under the guidance of Dr. Tim Brockman, professor of technology, art and design. Though the build was primarily overseen by TAD School faculty, the department joined forces with several departments across campus — including consultation with the Sustainability Office to ensure that the completed home and building process were environmentally friendly. In addition, more than 20 industry partners helped see the project to completion.
Bemidji State Joins National Conversation on Transfer Student Success
BSU is one of 30 institutions participating in a new, year-long conversation on strategies to support transfer students. The conversation, called the Aspen-AASCU Intensive: Transfer Student Success and Equity project, was founded by the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program and the American Association of State Colleges & Universities’ Division of Academic Innovation. BSU and other participating colleges and universities will examine transfer student services and experiences to establish streamlined partnerships between two-year and four-year institutions. BSU is partnering with the Northeast Higher Education District*, a collective of five Minnesota State two-year colleges, for the duration of the project, which ends in October 2022.
Dr. Anton Treuer Works with Mille Lacs Tribal Nation to Preserve the Ojibwe Language
Since 2018, Dr. Anton Treuer, professor of languages and Indigenous studies, has collaborated with the Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe to create resources for Ojibwe language learners through the Aanjibimaadizing Language Preservation Initiative. The initiative, which translates to “Changing Lives,” is designed to create new literature for Ojibwe language learners. With Treuer serving as managing editor, 16 Ojibwe speakers teamed up with linguists, teachers and Ojibwe language experts to write five books in Ojibwe. In addition to the book series, the initiative is working to develop a Rosetta Stone Ojibwe language learning program.
Community Resilience: What Is It and How Do We Move Forward?
In September 2021, BSU’s Environmental Advisory Committee welcomed faculty, staff, alumni and community members to the
World Café Conversation on Community Resilience to gain community input on the university’s ongoing climate resilience planning efforts. The meeting overviewed BSU’s resiliency planning process and solicited feedback for seven resilience indicators – economic opportunity, health & wellness, materials & waste, housing, energy, water and transportation. Dr. Anna Carlson, assistant professor of environmental studies, and Jordan Lutz, sustainability project manager, gave presentations surrounding campus resiliency and how the university can move forward.
Bemidji State’s Chamber Orchestra Program Takes the Stage
In Fall 2019, strings instructor Dr. Eric Olson, assistant professor of music, founded the Bemidji Chamber Orchestra for student musicians specializing in the violin, viola, cello or string bass. The orchestra will feature musicians who focus their performance on string instruments and will showcase their work on campus in two concerts annually. The orchestra is a credit-based music course among the department’s course offerings and is open to on-campus students and community members.
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BSU Adds new Minor in Water Science
Starting in Spring 2022, BSU’s Center for Sustainability Studies began offering a new minor in water science, focusing on issues surrounding water quality and availability. The program includes courses in environmental hydrogeology — a branch of geology concerned with underground or surface water — chemistry and toxicology. Students may also study fish, soils, wetlands ecology and wastewater treatment.
New Grant Program Supports Indigenous Representation in Psychology
The Department of Psychology recently received a one-year, $9,981 Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Educational Innovations Grant to launch a scholarship program for Indigenous students studying psychology. With a Fall 2021 pilot cohort of six students, the Indigenous Students in Psychology Training (InPsyT, pronounced like “insight”) program will train and prepare American Indian students for careers in psychology through mentorships with
Indigenous psychologists and mental health professionals. In addition to receiving a $500 scholarship, cohort members explore psychology and behavioral health topics as they pertain to American Indian populations, receive training on Indigenous research methodologies and attend the annual Society
of Indian Psychologists conference. The program was spearheaded by Dr. John
Gonzalez ‘99, BSU alumnus and professor of psychology, Dr. Sarah Cronin, assistant professor of psychology, and Dr. Angela Fournier, professor of psychology.
Opera Theater Productions Unite Musicians Across Campus
Each year, BSU’s Department of Music works across disciplines to produce an opera for the Bemidji community. This year, two operas graced the main stage in Bangsberg Hall under the direction of Dr. Cory Renbarger, associate professor of music. The first production wasna one-act production by Gian Carlo Menotti titled “The Old Maid and the Thief.” The production was fully costumed and performed as a radio hour with piano orchestration in November 2021. The second production, “Amahl and the Night Visitors,” was a fully staged and set production in February.
Thorson Joins Bemidji State As Associate Vice President of Enrollment Management
Carola Thorson has been named associate vice president of enrollment management for Bemidji State University and Northwest Technical College.
In this role, she will guide enrollment, recruitment and retention initiatives for both campuses. She comes to Bemidji from Wittenberg University in Springfield, Ohio, where she has served as vice president for enrollment management since 2018. Prior to that, she was the executive director of admission and scholarships at Concordia College in Moorhead. Thorson holds bachelor’s degrees in mass communications and English from Concordia College and a master of arts in leadership from Augsburg University in Minneapolis. Thorson’s appointment began in January.