Feedback Guidelines
Thank you for taking the time to review the new Academics site. Please review your program and let us know if you find any incorrect information.
You can only access the staging site from campus or while connected to the BSU network through VPN.
Please note that the program name is pulled directly from ISRS. The online/on-campus designation has been added manually based on info from Records.
The photo selection process went as follows: a) is this a photo that represents the spirit of the program and b) is this photo high quality? Please remember that this page will most frequently be accessed by prospective students, so while we want the photos to be true to your program, visitors won’t be focused on which faculty member is featured and whether they recognize any current students. They want to see what they would expect to see—does this photo “feel” like a business photo or a chemistry photo, for example.
With that said, we’re happy to look for alternate images or replace current images with those you provide. Images can be changed at any time before and after launch.
Please also provide feedback on the filtering system. This, too, is not an exact science. We can change the fields of study or we can also filter all programs by schools. Lots of universities handle fields of study in many different ways. We will, however, be limiting the filters to a max of about 12. Any more than that and we’re overwhelming visitors with granularity.
Thank you again for your feedback! We will also accept praise in addition to criticism. 🙂
– Office of Communications & Marketing
Feedback on Academics Site
Please provide your feedback on the proposed new Academics site.