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Dan Allosso

Dr. Dan Allosso
Assistant Professor of History


Dr. Allosso teaches Modern World History, US History, and Environmental History, as well as Business, Economic, Technology, Latin America, East Asia, Women’s History and the History of World Religions. He received his Masters degree from Mankato State and his PhD from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Before returning to academia, Allosso had a career in High Technology during the 1980s and 90s, working as a systems engineer, manager, and salesman for firms ranging from startups to international industrial distributors to supercomputer companies like Silicon Graphics/Cray Research.

Dr. Allosso’s research interests include the role of social, religious, and cultural dissent in history. He writes for both academic and popular audiences. The Yale University Press published his rural American history, Peppermint Kings, in 2020. His next research project is a history of the white pine lumber industry, which stretched from New England to the Pacific Northwest (and included Bemidji) between the late seventeenth century and the present. Allosso likes to use interesting stories of unusual characters to examine historical themes and interpretations; this project will include lumber barons, labor organizers, and environmentalists. He has also written free, open-access textbooks for his Environmental History, Modern World, and US History courses that are available on the Open Textbook Network. Allosso is also a regular blogger at


Masters degree from Mankato State

PhD from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.


Dr. Allosso teaches Modern World History, US History, and Environmental History, as well as Business, Economic, Technology, Latin America, East Asia, Women’s History and the History of World Religions.

Research Interests

His next research project is a history of the white pine lumber industry, which stretched from New England to the Pacific Northwest (and included Bemidji) between the late seventeenth century and the present. Allosso likes to use interesting stories of unusual characters to examine historical themes and interpretations; this project will include lumber barons, labor organizers, and environmentalists

Recent Work

The Yale University Press published his rural American history, Peppermint Kings, in 2020.

He has also written free, open-access textbooks for his Environmental History, Modern World, and US History courses that are available on the Open Textbook Network.