Faculty member in the Biology Department since 1998.
University of Wisconsin Madison
BS in Botany and Geology
University of Wisconsin Madison
MS in Botany
Uppsala University (Sweden)
PhD in Plant Ecology
Texas A & M University, TVA, and Rice University
Postdoctoral work
Classes regularly taught: Cellular Principles, General Ecology, Plant Form and Function, Forest Ecology, Plant Diversity, Advanced Projects, Computer Applications in Statistics (Graduate)
Research Interests
Dr. Mark Fulton is a quantitative ecologist with a particular interest in the structure and dynamics of forest communities. Particular areas of activity have included: simulation modeling of forest dynamics, statistical modeling of demographic processes in forests from long-term data using information statistics, and applications of an operational definition of multivariate "predictability" of community change. Developing interests include: linkages between canopy tree and understory dynamics, light environments in tree canopies, and constraints on maximum tree height.
Recent Work
Olson, B., Windels, S.K., Fulton, M., and R. Moen. 2014. Fine-scale temperature patterns in the southern Boreal forest: Implications for the cold-adapted moose. Alces 50:105–120.
Fulton, M., J. Kamman, and M. Coyle. 2014. Hydraulic limitation on maximum height of Pinus strobus trees in northern Minnesota, USA. Trees 28(3): 841-848.
Matthew M. Bischof, M.A. Hanson, M.R. Fulton, R.K. Kolka, S.D. Sebestyen, M.G. Butler. 2013. Invertebrate Community Patterns in Seasonal Ponds in Minnesota, USA: Response to Hydrologic and Environmental Variability. Wetlands (published online 15-January-2013).
Amatangelo, K., M.R. Fulton, D.A. Rogers, & D.M. Waller. 2011. Convergence in forest community composition along an edaphic gradient threatens landscape-level diversity. Diversity and Distributions 17: 201-213.
Fulton, M. 2010. Why don't trees grow taller? Minnesota Conservation Volunteer, Jan/Feb. (Popular article)
Lin, Jie, P.A. Harcombe, M.R. Fulton, and R.W. Hall. 2004. Comparative analysis of growth and mortality among saplings in a dry Oak-Pine forest in southeast Texas. Texas Journal of Science 56(4): 299-318.
Lin, Jie, P.A. Harcombe, M. Fulton, and R.B.W. Hall. 2004. Sapling growth and survivorship as affected by light and flooding in a river floodplain forest. Oecologia 139(3): 399-407.
Harcombe, P.A., C.J. Bill, J.S. Glitzenstein, M. Fulton, P.L. Marks, and I.S. Elsik. 2002. Stand dynamics over 18 years in a southern mixed hardwood forest, Texas, USA. Journal of Ecology 90(6): 947-957.
Lin, Jie, P.A. Harcombe, M. Fulton, and R.B.W. Hall. 2002. Sapling growth and survivorship as a function of light in a mesic forest of southeast Texas, USA. Oecologia 132: 428-435.
Fulton, M.R. and P.A. Harcombe. 2002. Fine-scale predictability in forest stand dynamics. Ecology 83(5):1204-1208.