Hafs, Andrew
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2789
Hagen, Kody
ITS 3/Lead Web Developer 3>
Halvorson, Angela
Certified Nurse Practitioner 3>
Hamann, Michael
Professor of Biology/Department Chair 3>
- Phone218-755-2798
Hamers, Katie
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Hamrick, Stephen
Professor of English 3>
- Phone218-477-4687
Hanlon, Brooke
Upward Bound 3>
Hansen, Heidi
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2820
Hansen, Jim
Facilities Building and Maintenance Supervisor 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Hansen, Trisha
Instructor of Criminal Justice 3>
Hanson, Richard
Emeritus Faculty 3>
Hanson, Teresa
Assistant HR Director / HRBP 3>
- Phone218-755-2501
Harris, Christine
Office and Administrative Specialist 3>
Hasnain, Muhammad
Geology Adjunct Faculty 3>
Haugen, Danelle
Campus Security Officer 3>
- Phone218-755-3888
Haus, Jacob
Assistant Professor of Biology 3>
- Phone218-755-4372
Hayft, Kaitlyn
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
- Phone218-755-3734
Hein, Jordan
Assistant Football Coach 3>
Heinecke, Daniel
Cashier/AR Clerical Support 3>
Heitkamp, Joel
Adjunct Instructor 3>
Heller, Tristen
Music Adjunct 3>
Helm, Emily
Nursing Adjunct 3>
Hemmelman, Brian
Associate Professor of Engineering Technology 3>
- Phone218-755-4223
Hemstock, Russell
ITS 3/Server Manager 3>
Hendricks, Stephanie
Application Processor 3>
Hensley, LeAnn
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-2062
Herbert, Michael
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
Herr, Julie
Customer Service Specialist Intermediate 3>
- Phone218-755-3337
Heuton, Hillary
Technical Support Analyst 3>
- Phone218-755-3777
Higgins, Bonnie
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3790
Hildenbrand, Drew
State Univ Adjuct Non-Unit 3>
Hiller, Brian
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2212
Hiller, Lainie
Consultant - BSUFA 3>
Hiller, Matthew
Director of the IPC 3>
Hiller, Reese
Nursing Clinical Coordinator 3>
Hirchert, Melissa
Contractor 3>
Hjermstad, Rosy
Assistant Dir of Admissions, Graduate Programs 3>
- Phone218-755-2261
Hodgson, Beverly
Interim Registrar 3>
- Phone218-755-4214
Hoffelt, Rachel
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Hoffman, Ben
Vice President for Enrollment Mmgt 3>
Hoffman, John
President 3>
- Phone218-755-2011
Hoffman, Rebecca
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2837
Hofstad, Lisa
Foundation Employee 3>
- Phone218-755-4147
Holloway, Sherry
State University Faculty 3>
- Phone218-755-2223
Hommes, Tiffany
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2526
Horien, Jessie
Foundation Employee 3>
Horsley, Bramwell
Stationary Engineer 3>
Hoven, Kierstin
Executive Director of Student Health, Wellness & Recreation 3>
- Phone218-755-4135
Hsih, Christine
Acquisitions and Serials Technician 3>
- Phone218-755-3341
Humphrey, Ann
Assistant Professor of Indigenous Sustainability Studies 3>
- Phone218-755-3353