Baez, Mark
Assistant Professor of Counseling/Clinical Psychology 3>
- Phone218-755-2870
Baird, Benjamin
Assistant Track & Field Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-3928
Baird, Timothy
Assistant Professor of Communication Studies 3>
- Phone218-755-2917
Bakken, Virgil
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3370
Ball, Leslie
Chief Engineer 3>
- Phone218-755-2061
Bandy, Katherine
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Bannor, Holly
Administrative Assistant Gillett Wellness Center/HPSH 3>
- Phone218-755-2940
Bannor, Mitchell
Locksmith 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Bard, Stephanie
Director of Financial Aid 3>
- Phone218-755-2263
Barich, Tami
State Univ Adjuct Unit 3>
Barnes, Travis
Director of Facilities 3>
- Phone218-755-3988
Barron, Collin
Biology Lab Supervisor 3>
- Phone218-755-4009
Barron, Hillary
Assistant Professor of Biology 3>
- Phone218-755-2110
Bartels, Tanner
General Maintenance Wrkr 3>
- Phone218-755-2062
Bartels, Travis
General Maintenance Worker 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Bartlett, Andy
Director of Communications 3>
- Phone218-755-2746
Bartlett, Melissa
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Bartz, Brady
Volunteer Football Coach 3>
Bauer, Cole
Assistant Athletic Dir - AEM & IO 3>
Baumann, Jennifer
Account Clerk Sr 3>
Beaulieu, Martina
State Univ Adjunct Unit 3>
Beech, Thomas
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3964
Bell, Jeffrey
Dean 3>
- Phone218-755-3732
Bellig, Leslie
Head Cashier 3>
- Phone218-755-2045
Ben Shirnai, Hezekiah
Physics Adjunct 3>
Bensen, M.
Emeritus Faculty 3>
Berard, Stephen
Assistant Director of Advising and First Year Programming 3>
- Phone218-755-2224
Berg, Adam
Area Director 3>
- Phone218-755-3994
Bernard, Gina
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Besancon, Katelynn
Assistant Director of Clinical Experience 3>
Biehn, Duane
Director of Campus Rec & Facilities 3>
- Phone218-755-4140
Bitter, Kalli
Success Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-2227
Blake, Chad
Plumber 3>
- Phone218-755-2061
Blessing, Alice
Adjunct Faculty 3>
Blessing, Mitch
Associate Professor 3>
Bliss, Ashly
Assistant Professor of Nursing 3>
- Phone218-755-2831
Bobrowski, Sarah
Assistant Women's Hockey Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-3928
Bobrowsky, Tammy
Collection Development and Electronic Resources Li 3>
- Phone218-755-4110
Bock, Marie
Interim Chief Information Officer 3>
- Phone218-755-2250
Boe, Cindy
Interim Director of Career Services 3>
- Phone218-755-2406
Boe, Matthew
Warehouse Stores Operation Coordinator 3>
Bolte, Brent
Head Football Coach, Assistant Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2768
Boschee, Michael
Head Men's Basketball Coach 3>
- Phone218-755-2774
Boudry, Valica
Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-3904
Bowyer, James
Associate Professor of Music 3>
- Phone218-755-3361
Boyle, Joseph
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Bradley, De'Vonte
TRIO Upward Bound Academic Advisor 3>
Brandt, Camille
Associate Professor 3>
- Phone218-755-2934
Braught, Annalise
Integrated Media Adjunct 3>
Brautigam, Meghan
Concurrent Enrollment Instructor 3>
Breczinski, Christian
Associate Director of Accessibility Services 3>
Brisbin, Kayla
Consultant - HMU 3>
Broin, Katy
Admissions Representative 3>
- Phone218-755-2177
Brower, Stanley
Groundskeeper 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Brown, Austin
Assistant Football Coach 3>
Brunner, Lisa
State Univ Adjunct Unit 3>
Bryant, Celeste
Non Employee 3>
Buchholz, Laura
Assistant Professor of Project Management- Construction 3>
- Phone218-755-4221
Bump, Tanner
Contractor 3>
Burlage, Gregory
Groundskeeper 3>
- Phone218-755-3755
Burlage, Lisa
Nursing Lab Coordinator 3>
- Phone218-755-3848
Bute, Erika
Women's Volleyball Head Coach 3>
Butler, Barbara
Office and Administrative Specialist Intermediate 3>
- Phone218-755-3761