Registration Policies
- Classes are limited in size; registrations are processed on a first come, first served basis. Registering before April 23 is recommended.
- Students are not required to have an advisor access code for summer registration.
- Graduate-level courses are numbered 5xxx and 6xxx. Undergraduate students should not register for these.
- Arranged Courses: Unlisted courses must be arranged by the student and the advisor, instructor and department chair. An Arranged Course Request Form must be used to register for arranged courses. These forms are available from the Records Office. They can be mailed to you upon request. Registration for arranged courses should be completed on campus, since Arranged Course Request Forms require department and division approval.
- In order to be considered a full-time student in the summer, undergraduates must be enrolled for 12 credit hours.
- Residents of all other states, as well as international students, pay rates equivalent to Minnesota residents.
- The class schedule is not to be regarded as a contract.
- Credits are in semester hours.
- In compliance with Minnesota Public Law 1974, Chapter 479, data requested from the students in the registration process will be used for the purpose of advisement, to locate a student in case of emergency and to provide statistical information. Failure to supply all requested information may jeopardize a student’s progress at this institution.
- Bemidji State University uses social security numbers and birth dates for student identification purposes on student records. Providing this information is voluntary. If you do not provide these numbers, your application will still be processed. This data is requested for administrative purposes for the University.
- The following directory information will be available to inquiries: name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, degrees, awards, academic recognitions, licenses received, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, dates of attendance, major and minor fields of study, names of parents when associated with awards and officially recognized activities and sports events, student classification and date of graduation. Students who wish to hold this information completely confidential should notify the Records Office at the time they register, if they have not previously done so. This request for anonymity will remain in effect until canceled in writing. Students should be aware that this might jeopardize their chance of employment, since calls for directory information from prospective employers will be refused.
Course Waitlists
In the event a course you have chosen is filled, you may contact the instructor and request permission to add before classes begin. The instructor may issue an override using the Web registration system.
Last Day to Withdraw
Withdrawal period starts after the last day to drop and is up to 80% of the course meetings. Check e-Services for specific dates for each course, in the view/modify class schedule screen.
For information on withdrawing from courses, please see Business Services.
Refunds Policy
Tuition refunds for summer courses and workshops are given only through the first class day. No refunds will be given thereafter unless the student’s course load is adjusted for the university’s convenience.
For more details, see Business Services.
Cancellation of Courses or Workshops
Some classes may be canceled due to low registration. Because course cancellations are based on registration enrollment two-weeks before the first day of the course, early registration may help ensure that a class will be offered. To learn if a class will be offered, log onto the e-Services site or call the Records Office at (218) 755-2020.
Only the classes in which you are actually registered will appear on the online fee statement. The university reserves the right to cancel a course when the enrollment is not sufficient to warrant its continuance, to divide classes if the enrollment is too large for efficient instruction and to change instructors when necessary. Bemidji State University reserves the right to change without notice any materials, information, requirements and regulations published in this bulletin. Visit this page for cancellation for non-payment deadlines and other important dates.
Senior Citizen Registration
Minnesota residents 62 years of age or over may enroll in courses for credit, audit any course offered for credit or enroll in non-credit courses. Courses taken for credit require $20.00 per semester credit plus additional fees. Students are also responsible for any specific course fees associated with a course, as well as the cost of books and materials.
No limit is placed on the number of terms senior citizens may attend, and no income limitation is imposed in determining eligibility. Enrollment is contingent, however, on space availability after all other tuition-paying students have been accommodated. This means that senior citizens must register during the add/drop period that begins the day after the first day the class meets.
Instructions for Complete Withdrawal from BSU
If you are withdrawing from all of your classes, you are advised to complete the following steps:
- If you would like to speak to a counselor or faculty member about any academic or personal circumstances related to your withdrawal: You are encouraged to stop by the Counseling Center in Birch Hall 1A or call (218) 755-2024 to set up a confidential meeting.
- If you live in the residence halls and/or have a meal plan: Contact Residential Life in Walnut Hall, (218) 755-3750, to terminate your Residential Life Contract and receive directions for proper checkout procedures.
- If you received any type of financial aid: Contact the Financial Aid Office in Deputy 114, (218) 755-2034, to address the following:
- Repayment of aid received if you are withdrawing prior to 60% of the term being completed.
- Your eligibility for future financial aid when you return to school; and
- Exit student loan information.
- If you received a Perkins Loan: Contact the Loan Repayment Office in Deputy 202, (218) 755-2039, for an exit interview and to update your Perkins Loan information. Knowing your rights and responsibilities in relation to this loan may help you in future funding and enrollment.
- All students withdrawing must contact the Cashier’s Office in Deputy 202, (218) 755-2046, to determine if you are to receive a refund or if a financial aid repayment is necessary.
- Finally, you must withdraw from all your classes prior to the last day to withdraw as published in the semester class schedule by using the Web Registration system.