Evan TompkinsEvan played football at Bemidji State University before graduating magna cum laude in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science. He then received a full-tuition fellowship to attend Arizona State University Sandra Day O-Connor College of Law where he graduated with his J.D. in 2021.

While attending ASU, Evan was named a Pedrick Scholar, CALI award winner and received Trial Advocacy Certification as well as Pro Bono Honors. He also successfully represented a client before the Arizona Board of Executive Clemency, drafted multiple appeals that were presented to the Arizona Court of Appeals and Supreme Court. Outside of the classroom, he worked at two firms where he practiced appellate work and criminal defense. During his 3L year he was offered an associate position at Jacksonwhite law to practice criminal defense.

After graduating in 2021, Evan successfully passed Arizona State Bar and returned to work for Jacksonwhite Law. He continues to work in criminal defense, handling everything from petty misdemeanors to high-level felonies.