Our 3+3 program allows eligible students to earn an undergraduate degree and a law degree in six years rather than seven. Choose a major from the following options to best suit your interests:

  • Political Science
  • English
  • Economics
  • Social Studies B.A.

Students complete three years of their major at Bemidji State University before starting studies at the Mitchell Hamline School of Law or Case Western University, where the first year transfers to BSU to complete a bachelor’s degree. That’s a four-year bachelor’s and a three-year law degree compressed into six years. See the program overview to learn more about the requirements and process.

If you decide partway through your undergraduate work that the 3+3 program is not for you — or you are not admitted into law school — you may continue on with your major studies and graduate with your bachelor’s in four years.

Students interested in the 3+3 program must meet with Dr. Patrick Donnay, pre-law advisor, as early as possible in their academic planning process and fulfill the program requirements.