Social Studies Education
Required Credits: 89
Required GPA: 2.5
Note: No grade below a “C” may be used to meet program requirements.
I Economics Courses
Complete the following courses:
- ECON 2000 Markets and Resource Allocation (3 credits)
- ECON 2100 Macroeconomics and the Business Cycle (3 credits)
II Geography Courses
Complete the following courses:
- GEOG 2100 Introduction to Physical Geography (3 credits)
- GEOG 2200 Introduction to Human Geography (3 credits)
Select 1 of the following courses:
- GEOG 3410 Geography of North America (3 credits)
- GEOG 3810 Geography of Europe (3 credits)
- GEOG 3820 Geography of East, South, and Southeast Asia (3 credits)
- GEOG 3840 Geography of Africa (3 credits)
- GEOG 3850 Geography of the Middle East (3 credits)
- GEOG 3860 Geography of Latin America and the Caribbean (3 credits)
III History Courses
Complete the following courses:
- HST 1114 United States History I, to 1877 (3 credits)
- HST 1115 United States History II, since 1877 (3 credits)
- HST 1304 World History I, Prehistory-1500 (3 credits)
- HST 1305 World History II, 1500-Present (3 credits)
- HST 2610 Minnesota History (3 credits)
Select 1 of the following courses:
- HST 3117 American Revolutionary Era, 1763-1800 (3 credits)
- HST 3128 Testing Democracy: Reform in Antebellum America, 1787-1865 (3 credits)
- HST 3137 The American Civil War (3 credits)
- HST 3159 The World at War, 1931-1945 (3 credits)
- HST 3187 American West (3 credits)
- HST 3208 Greece And Rome, 1500 BCE-500 CE (3 credits)
- HST 3258 The Roman Civil Law Tradition (3 credits)
- HST 3268 The Roman Revolution, 200 BCE-CE 14 (3 credits)
- HST 3409 Colonialism and Modernization in the Non-Western World (3 credits)
- HST 3419 East Asia (3 credits)
- HST 3429 South and Southeast Asia (3 credits)
- HST 3449 Middle East (3 credits)
- HST 3459 Latin America (3 credits)
- HST 3650 Environmental History (3 credits)
- HST 3799 Tudor and Stuart England, 1485-1714 (3 credits)
- HST 3800 Georgian Britain, 1688-1820 (3 credits)
- HST 4000 Historiography (3 credits)
- HST 4500 Historical Methods (3 credits)
IV Political Science Courses
Complete the following courses
- POL 1200 Introduction to American Politics (3 credits)
- POL 1300 Introduction to International Relations (3 credits)
1 of the following courses (3 credits minimum):
- POL 3100 American Foreign Policy (3 credits)
- POL 3130 Asian Political Development (3 credits)
- POL 3140 Canadian Politics (3 credits)
- POL 3150 Topics in Political Science (1-3 credits)
- POL 3160 Comparative European Politics (3 credits)
- POL 3170 International Relations (3 credits)
- POL 3180 International Law and Organization (3 credits)
- POL 3190 International Political Economy (3 credits)
- POL 3200 Minnesota Politics (3 credits)
- POL 3210 Public Administration (3 credits)
- POL 3230 Environmental Politics (3 credits)
- POL 3410 Legislative and Executive Relations (3 credits)
- POL 3420 Campaigns and Elections (3 credits)
- POL 4200 Constitutional Law (3 credits)
V Psychology Course
Complete the following course
PSY 1100 Introductory Psychology (4 credits)
VI Sociology Courses
Complete the following courses:
- SOC 1104 Society and Social Issues (3 credits)
- SOC 3010 Social Theory (3 credits)
VII Social Studies Methods Course
Complete the following course:
ED 3580 Teaching of Middle and Secondary School Social Studies (4 credits)
Required Professional Education Courses
Complete the following courses:
- ED 6101 Educational Foundations (3 credits)
- ED 6107 Advanced Educational Psychology (3 credits)
- ED 6140 Human Diversity in Education (3 credits)
- ED 6334 Curriculum and Instructional Design (3 credits)
- ED 6108 Equitable and Inclusive Learning Communities (3 credits)
- ED 5799 Professional Teacher (1 credit)
- ED 5737 Content Area Reading (3 credits)
Student Teaching and Final Reflection Course:
- ED 5820, ED 5830, OR ED 5840 Student Teaching (6-credits)
- ED 6407 The Reflective Educator (2 credits)
Complete 6 credits of student teaching:
ED 5830 Student Teaching – Secondary (6 credits)