Documentation of Unprofessional Behavior and/or Unsafe Practice

Student Name

As documented below, this student has demonstrated professional and personal attributes that do not meet the standards of professionalism in clinical, classroom, lab or community settings, and safe clinical practice. The responsible faculty/academic staff will be taking the actions indicated below:
Faculty/Academic Staff: Check for recommended action(s)
A maximum of 3 Documentation of Unprofessional Behavior and/or Unsafe Practice events will be grounds for expulsion from BSU programs.
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1. The student fails to meet the standards of professionalism from a biological, psychological, sociological, and/or cultural standpoint:
2. The student lacks consistency in reasonable preparation, documentation and/or communication.
3. The student fails to practice within the boundaries of the Minnesota Nurse Practice Act, guidelines or the course syllabus, policies of the Department of Nursing and the rules and regulations of the health care agency that is the site of the course.
4. The student fails to meet American Nurses Association's Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
5. The student lacks effort directed toward self-improvement
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