This page demonstrates the general framework of how a faculty workshop would run.

    1. Reflect and Interpret
      Prior to the workshop Computer Science and Humanities and Social Science faculty participants engage in an exercise in which they will reflect on their personal worldview and their pedagogical approach as it relates to their understanding of computing and the context of computing.
    2. Facilitators Establish Framework
      At the workshop, research on worldviews, pedagogical approaches and ethical computing are shared with participants and the facilitators will spend some time modeling what a collaborative approach means. Workshop leaders role play through an example that represents a challenge of a worldview. In our earlier work we noted that faculty often had a narrow view of computing ethics, e.g., something as limited as plagiarism. When this is a topic one colleague might challenge another as to why they use exams as a primary means of evaluating student learning. (See this for an example.) For groups where there is a broader understanding of computing ethics, we suggest developing a role play that tackles issues that challenge deeper worldview notions such as trust.
    3. Pedagogical Approaches
      Participants are then asked to identify ways to interpret and frame a collaborative approach. To explore this in an expansive way, we encourage a short review of Critical Pedagogy. (Link doc here) This part of the workshop has Humanities and Social Science faculty lead off with a discussion of their response to the role play and the worldview reflective exercises. Computer Science faculty reflect on the downstream impacts of software and approaches to building software. A goal is to model the sort of ways that faculty might collaborate to develop teaching modules that embody ideas from Responsible Computer Science: the collaboration should position people in the process while constructively using the positions they bring. Computer Science faculty bring along a description of a substantial (typically upper-level) project. Humanities and Social Science faculty bringing along a substantial (typically upper-level) project related to computing that they use in their teaching. Faculty discuss learning objectives for students, why this project will lead to the learning and those additional things come under consideration. (Workshop leaders model this using example from their own teaching.)
    4. Proactive CARE
      Review the Proactive CARE template as one way of developing a teaching module. As a general model, it can be used to incorporate reflective practices into most programming assignments. Computer Science faculty lead discussion of the software development process and the context of the class and assignment. They also clarify the limitations of computing as it might apply to the development of assignments. Humanities and Social Science faculty look for ways to introduce important considerations regarding the social and ethical implications of the assignment. Faculty review the Learning Outcomes and Assessment document for Proactive CARE and consider which assessment metrics that might be used with their students.
    5. Describe their project and expectations
      The project is for you to collaboratively identify a particular topic, lecture or programming assignment that the Computer Science Faculty member has used in the past. The next step is to modify it so that it incorporates ethical or social issues in some way. It should incorporate student learning outcomes such as any of the following:
        1. A greater understanding of the social and ethical issues associated with computing.
        2. An ability to engage in conversation that fosters consideration of potential social and ethical impacts of particular software.
        3. Conceptualizing the unanticipated impact that software has on people.
        4. An ability to synthesize programming strategies that mitigate social and ethical concerns.
        5. Analyzing ways to make design choices.
        6. Critiquing the nature of existing software.

      Ideally the module will reflect the expertise that each of you bring to the project.

This workshop was developed by Marty J. Wolf and Colleen Greer as part of the Mozilla Foundation Responsible Computer Science Challenge. These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.