The health, sport & exercise club is open to all majors and minors in the department and provides a great opportunity for fun and relationships.
Health, Sport & Exercise Club Purpose
- Provide communication between students, faculty, community and other professional organization to share ideas and enhance relationships.
- Enhance and expand educational opportunities for career preparation.
- Encourage an active role on campus and in classroom activities for leadership development.
- Provide opportunities to teach and promote ones profession as well as learn new teaching strategies.
Membership Provides Opportunities
- Network with BSU students, college students from the state and region and professionals in the field.
- Attend and present sessions at professional conferences.
- Participate in campus and community activities.
- Practice leadership and advocacy skills in a variety of settings.
- Develop ownership in their respective future professions.
Past Club Activities
- MNAHPERD Conferences (MN Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance)
- AAHPERD Central District Conferences (American Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance)
- Student presentations at state conferences and workshops
- BSU Adventure in Activity Day
- Local and area Special Olympics
- Activity guide publication for Sportime Equipment
- Red Lake Fishing Derby
- Advocacy for physical education and health education at the State Capitol
- Sledding, cookouts, activity socials, etc.
Why Students Join the Club
- To meet and share learning experiences with other students in the department.
- To work with department faculty on a professional basis.
- To gain work-related experience that can enhance professional resumes.
- To meet local, regional, state and national professionals and future professionals.
- To understand how the legislative process affects the profession.
- To grow as professionals by giving time and talent to a worthy cause.
- To develop a passion for the profession!
Meeting Times
Club meetings are scheduled in the evenings.
For more information or to join Health, Sport & Exercise Club.
Contact Information
Dr. Shannon Norman
PE 207
(218) 755-4099