Health and Physical Education B.S.
- Currently pursuing Master of Teaching and DAPE through BSU
Elementary Physical Education Teacher and Dance Coach in Elk River, MN
How did your education at BSU prepare you for what you are doing now and/or for graduate education?
The Health and Physical Education Program at BSU absolutely prepared me for my current teaching job. If it wasn’t for the awesome professors, I don’t think I would know what I do today. The program’s classes are specifically catered to our major and designed to feel confident and ready to go into your own classroom and start teaching. I felt very prepared for my first year as a teacher and I owe it all to the Health and Physical Education program and my professors.
What is one aspect of your current position that you find particularly rewarding?
Being able to be the person that kids trust, feel safe around and the person who makes their day feel brighter!
What advice would you give to a current HPSH major at Bemidji State University?
Get involved in everything you can! I would not be where I am today if I did not get involved with my state and national organizations, become a member of my major’s club and went to conferences and conventions as an undergrad. The more experiences you have, the better your resume looks!
What accomplishments have you had during your academic/teaching career?
- Health and Physical Education Major of the Year 2020
- SHAPE America Major of the Year 2020
- MNSHAPE Young Professional Teacher of the Year 2022
- MNSHAPE Board of Directors Member 2019-Current, Emerging Leader Mentor
- SHAPE America Emerging Leaders Innovation Team Member
- Presented at SHAPE National Convention in New Orleans, 2022
- 3 time presenter at the MNSHAPE State Conference