What is Instructional Design
Watch this quick Overview video about instructional design (4:59min)
Quality Matters Information
Accessibility Introduction and Checklists
PowerPoint Presentation with Checklists for Email, Word, PPT and Videos
Designing Accessible Online Courses (KA 1216)
Course Design Sites in D2L
The D2L sites listed below are accessible through the Discover tool in D2L.
- Log into D2L
- Click the Discover button at the top of the D2L homepage.
- Click on a course tile
- Click the Enroll in Course button
- Click OK
From On-Campus to Online: the Basics: Compares the elements of the on-campus class to the online class and helps you create an effective online environment for your students
Sample Course Template 2025: A template site with examples of course design elements
Generative AI Resources: An introduction to AI in higher ed, and sample course activities and syllabi statements
Online Course Self-directed Tune-Up: Helps you design your online class environment to effectively support student learning, includes eight tune-up modules based on different areas of course design
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Self-directed Workshop: Helps you better understand UDL and apply its principles and guidelines in the design of your courses
The Reading Room: Articles available on topics of interest to educators
What Works Well in Online Teaching
What Works Well in Online Teaching is an 11-page PDF document developed by members of the Minnesota State Faculty Development Committee. The document includes:
- A description of effective practices specific to instruction delivered online (online or blended/hybrid courses).
- Guidance for new and experienced online or hybrid/blended instructors.
- An opportunity for reflection about online teaching.
- An opportunity to align online courses or course components with shared standards of best practice and instructional design principles.
NED Resources
Minnesota State Network for Educational Development (NED) Resources on the following topics:
- Accessibility
- Accreditation
- Equity by Design
- For New Faculty
- Generative AI